Anchor of Promise : Hope for the Broken Family has moved to a new site. Officially called Hope For the Broken Family, you will find blog posts, a little more about myself, and an opportunity to hear me speak in various places in the Delaware Valley. The past six months I have been laying low due to the pandemic and working on my second and third book. When they are available, a news alert will be sent out.

In the meantime, I still have some WordPress followers that were not aware of the change so I am sending out this blurb post. Hope you are all well, staying warm this winter, and safe from sickness. Blessings!

Stacy Lee

I Didn’t Raise My Kid To Be That Way

Don’t push your God on me! You’re a racist! You are so anti……..! Are these statements ringing true in your home?  Are you being labeled by your teen or young adult because of your faith? Has their ideology and theology changed so much that you don’t recognize what they believe anymore?

Welcome to parenting 2021.  Our world is in chaos and upheaval, leaving us spinning in circles.  The younger generation is being groomed by propaganda at every turn.  With liberal professors in college to progressive movements through social media, television, and movies, they are being inundated 24/7 with socialistic and at times communistic ideology. Right is wrong, wrong is right, no wonder these kids are so confused.

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When Your Child Wants Nothing to do With You

You call, no answer. You text. Silence. Communication has dropped just like your internet signal. You try again and you feel like you just had a deja vu experience. 

Let’s face it. Parents across the globe are getting the same response. Teens and young adults are caught up in their own world, coupled with resentment, anger, cold-heartedness, and more. Their reasoning is:

  1. “You are just too toxic for me.” 
  2. “You hate what I love, you don’t support or understand me.”  
  3. “Let me live my life the way I want to.”

Mind you, for a teen/young adult in crisis, these are all excuses for them to continue in their lifestyle of addiction, rebelliousness, and destructive behaviors fraught with mental illness and disorders.  

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Oh how her heart must have ached. She lost not just one son but two! Can you imagine having that kind of loss?  Can you imagine a child dying and another forsaking God? In the Old Testament of the Bible, there were quite a few hurting parents. One of them was Eve. 

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Is Parenting a Child in Crisis Destroying Your Marriage?

We have all heard of the roadblocks which hamper or destroy a marriage. Those three roadblocks of marital heartbreak are communication, finances, and sex. As a parent, there is another challenge that is missing on this list. Parenting a teen or young adult in crisis can also cause marital distress. 

Unfortunately, parenting woes do not offer road maps to figure out where to go and what to do. What parents do agree on is the fact that raising a child in crisis is one of the most stressful jobs ever. Of course, we must add to this the marital drama, pitfalls, accusations, silent treatment, and eventually a distance so wide, love in the marriage has taken a big detour.  

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